Embodied Imagination: Working with Dreams,
Memories and Symptoms
'Our approach to the Numinous is the real therapy'
- Carl Gustav Jung
Embodied Imagination® fundamentally works with images. It's an experiential exploration engaging our bodily senses (sensate function) to experience the numinous essence at the heart of all images.
The process of Embodied Imagination® is founded on neuroscience; alchemical principles; ancient incubation techniques; complexity theory; phenomenology, the body of work by archetypal psychologist James Hillman and the opus of Carl Gustav Jung. Embodied Imagination was pioneered by Robert Bosnak, author of ‘A Little course in Dreams’ and ‘Embodiment’.
‘Each dream is an act of Genius creating an entire world in a flash!’
- Robert Bosnak
Our dreams can be a source of inspiration or reveal shadow aspects that we reject about ourselves. Dreams offer guidance; vitality; connection to our instinctual life (animal guides) and self-reflection. Our dream figures present as autonomous presences that seek a relationship with us and evolve our understanding of our unique character and creative potential.
Working with the power of images gets us in touch with a spark of 'genius' revealing future possibilities.
Everyone dreams, yet every dream is unique to the dreamer!
What dreams are calling for your attention?
Working with Memories and Symptoms
Embodied Imagination® is an effective treatment in alleviating psychological and physical pain by working with memories and symptoms. Clients feel a shift in perspective and their symptoms have greatly reduced.
Restoring value to our inner life
Humans have the amazing capacity to live in two worlds: The physical world of flesh that is subject to laws of nature/time and space, and the imaginal world that is always coming into being - has a subtle body and where all future possibilities emerge. When we dream, we play in the imaginal realm, known as the Anima Mundi (Soul of the World) and described as a vital force that permeates our world. The etymology of the word psychology comes from the Greek 'psyche', meaning Soul. Our dreams therefore are vital to our psychological health engaging us in the body-mind-spirit trinity.
As a certified Embodiment Practitioner® and intuitive dreamworker, I'll be your guide as we explore the imaginal world of Anima Mundi:
Are you curious about the 'numinous' power and value inherent in dreams, memories and symptoms?
Do you desire to live a more creative life and access your unlived potential?
Do you want to connect more deeply, healing the illusionary split in the body-mind-spirt?
Working with Dreams Consultation
Please bring a dream that you would like to explore.
Duration: 90 minutes
Available via Zoom
Gift certificates available HERE
Working with Memories and Symptoms Consultation
Please bring a memory, or symptom related to a health issue, that is causing distress or pain that you would like to explore.
Duration: 90 minutes
Available via Zoom
In-depth work Consultation
Do you have an issue or a pattern of behavior you would like to change? Working with dreams illuminates unconscious shadow aspects that cause emotional and mental distress. A minimum of 8-10 sessions is recommended:
Duration: 90 minutes
Available via Zoom
Creative Projects Consultation
Are you feeling blocked? This process will stimulate the unconscious to manifest your creative ideas into satisfying projects. A minimum of 8-10 sessions is recommended:
Identify and clear what is blocking you
Incubate a dream series
Dream your project into life with purpose and vitality
Duration: 90 minutes
Available via Zoom